We promote the philosophy of the Camphill Movement through initiating, organising, informing and supporting regional activities.



There are many different meetings across the region in the course of the year. Different meetings have different themes, ranging from the exchange of young volunteers from different communities, to the mutual support experienced by those who have been meeting regularly for many years, even decades, to deepen their commitment and understanding of the Camphill way of life.

Northern Regional Group

The Northern Regional Group meets for a long weekend each spring and autumn, with delegates from each community and the responsibility to conduct the official Assembly meetings of the Camphill Northern Region Association. The group has a listening function, as it meets in a different community each half year, and it can bring a fresh viewpoint and potential for development to the places it visits. Many new initiatives have arisen from the Northern Regional Group, some which last for a shorter time, while others, such as the Camphill Baltic Seminar, have grown into strong and stable independent operations.

Camphill Northern Dialogue

Each Camphill foundation or trust in the different countries has its board members, who send delegates to the worldwide Camphill Dialogue meetings every 3 years, and sometimes also organise a Dialogue meeting in the Northern Region.

The aim of these meetings is to co-ordinate and enhance the work of the different Camphill boards, by focussing on themes such as good governance, transparency, quality management, ethos and legislation.

Northern Summer Festival

Every 2 years, communities in the region come together for a few days for a big summer festival! Sometimes the festival is hosted by a community, sometimes we rent or borrow a space in a beautiful place in the surroundings. Each festival is full of fun, meeting old friends, making new ones, with a chance to relax and explore in a special international atmosphere. Often we are more than 100 people speaking at least 6 different languages with multiple translations and levels of ability but with shared Camphill values – quite a unique experience. 

Dates of activities in the Camphill Northern Region

Updated 09.05.2020

For calendar updates contact Janos Szabadi email:

25-29.05.2020 – Online

Camphill Movement group meeting, Pennsylvania, USA

Summer 2020

Summer Festival of the Northern Camphill Region, (?)

Theme: Air

8 – 13. 09. 2020

Baltic Seminar, Akvila, Lithuania

Participants: Students, mentors & members of the colleague

Theme: The phenomena of the masks; Inner aspects of the history of Camphill

Contact : Sven Marggraff

5-9.10. 2020

International Conference on Curative Education and Social Therapy, Dornach, CH

Theme: Education – always!



14-17.10. 2020

Northern Regional Group, Vallersund, NO

Theme: Retret. “What makes a place into a Camphill place?”

Participants: Members of the NRG & guests 

Contact: Jolita Čilvinaitė,

10-15.11. 2020

Baltic Seminar, Staffansgården, SE

Participants: Students, mentors & members of the colleague

Theme:  Astrality and I; 7 year rhythms

Contact : Sven Marggraff

14-16.01. 2021

Northern Regional Camphill Community meeting, Vidaråsen, No

Participants:  Members of the Camphill Community

Contact : Vilnis Neimanis

12-14.03. 2021

Northern Regional Group, Akvila, LT

Participants: Members of the NRG & guests

Contact : Jolita Čilvinaitė,

13-16.10. 2021

Northern Regional Group, Pahkla, EE

Theme: retreat

Participants: Members of the NRG & guests


Northern Camphill Dialog, Vidaråsen, NOpage2image61877120

"There is a knighthood of the 21st century whose riders do not ride through the darkness of physical forests, as of old, but through the forest of darkened minds. They are armed with a spiritual armor, and an inner sun makes them radiant. Out of them shines healing, healing that flows from the knowledge of the human being as a spiritual being. They must create inner order, inner justice, peace and conviction in the darkness of our time. They must learn to work side by side with angels." Karl König